Thursday 15 May 2014

Christopher Hackney

Photography at University has been about experimentation and enhancing his skills within the craft of contemporary Fine Art practice.
He felt that photographic imagery is about capturing his vision of personal expression and exposing it for the world to see and experience.

The Final Project is a development of all the techniques he has gathered during his time at University, these skills helped to achieve a relationship with the subject that he shot (Gamekeeper), through the right communication and sensitivity of the hunter’s involvement with wildlife and the environment.
He looked to capture the sense of the unknown, a look into the isolation one felt in the field and the morality that overcame the gamekeeper and himself during the culling of the animals. Sound one hears within the silence of the stalk played a part in capturing different sensations.   

“Silent Stalker”,Digital Photography, (C-Type glossy photographic paper) 30.4x 45.7cm

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