Wednesday 14 May 2014

Abdul Shyllon

The work explored at this point is looking to evoke a dialogue and critical thinking around issues that are taboo within the social conscious milieu. Interests centre around the wider dynamics between what is seen, experienced, and observed, and how the self is perceived within the culture.
Unpacking notions around race, representation and stereotype, the implications that might be apparent. Hi-lighting the things that are often problematic but left unchallenged because they are perceived as the norm or simply have not been adequately examined due to hierarchical historical contexts and the institutional conventions and supremacist rational
Through throwing a light on some of these concepts the highest objective within the work is to bring these concerns to the fore and to somehow question the incredibility of what we have been ingesting and ponder upon how we might effect change and evolve

“Self Adawned”, Detail, (wood, plastic, cosmetic tools, reproduced images) 

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